“This was worth coming to prison for.”

Buddda is dead, Mohammad is dead, there is only one true God. He never left me, I left Him.

Testimonies of ministry volunteers

Renae Chessor
Charleston, West Virginia

I really don't have adequate words to express what being a part of PWC in the Ohio Women's Reformatory was like.  Without a doubt it was a deeply personal experience in my walk with God.   I am also grateful for each person who made up the ministry team.  We heard powerful personal testimonies of how God's grace & mercy has prevailed in lives no matter what our personal experiences are.  I know it was helpful to the women of the reformatory to hear honesty and transparency from the speakers.  All of us (the ministry team & the women of the reformatory) realized that the only difference between us was the active power of God at work in our lives.  I have been privileged to be in some truly awesome moves of God in conferences over the past few years. But I speak from my heart when I say I have NEVER been a part of anything quite like what we experienced. The raw power of God's love & deliverance was so strong that it seemed like my physical body could not hold up under it.  And yet when it was time to pray for those special ladies, the power of God equipped each of us for His work.  As the truth of God's love was revealed to them, we saw them respond with abandon.  We saw over fifty women receive the gift of the Holy Ghost!  I have personally taken away so many life lessons from this experience.  Among them is this truth:  Some of us live in physical freedom but are constantly bound by internal struggles.  And for most of the ladies we ministered to, their lives have been shaped by those same internal struggles.  Their choices as a result of those struggles, has led them to physical confinement but God's grace and mercy is ever reaching. He will go behind prison bars to set at liberty those that are bound! I'm so thankful God allowed me to see in a very tangible way how far He will reach to redeem his princess.  And to quote Sis Rhinehart "Prisoners are princesses too!"

Rachel Jadrnicek
Wellston, Ohio

My husband and I were honored to be a part of PWC at the women's reformatory which was breathtaking! May I just say, I was surprised on all accounts by this experience. These women amazed me by how vulnerable they allowed themselves to become. When talking with some of them on a personal level they would share their story with tears streaming down their face. It was obvious that regret and shame is one of the greatest struggles for them to cope with. What surprised me though was not one of them made excuses for themselves. They took responsibility and expressed that prison saved their life. They were so thankful for everything! Praise and worship was beyond powerful. I will never forget the choir of voices that filled the room when they began to sing with everything in them! There were several speakers that spoke throughout the sessions that ministered with great anointing. We ended each session praying for every woman that came forward.  God truly did amazing things in those services!  Thank you to Sis Karen Rhinehart for your vision! I appreciate the transparency and   courage it took for the woman that spoke or shared their testimony. I was ministered to and those women left an indelible mark on my heart. I am corresponding with a couple women that came and gave me their address and I'm excited for what God is doing in them. This was honestly a ministry highlight for both my husband and I.

Testimonies of Chaplains

Coming soon.